Automated vs manual shrink wrap machines

Shrink Wrapping Supplies posted this on 27 Apr 2016
Have you ever met a salesman who says you don't need what they're selling? Is it reverse psychology I wonder? We'd like to discuss in brief the possibility of automated shrink film machinery vs manual shrink wrap machines. There's no irony in the initial question as we can offer you manual, semi automatic and fully automatic wrapping machines.
That's the beauty of this industry, unless a client really wants to go back one hundred years and stick with manual labour. Then either way your best foot forward is a robotic one, even if a human is required to operate most of its functions. As with any automation there are several pros and cons, most of those begin with cost.
When it comes to automated versus manual shrink wrap machines, is upgrading prohibitively expensive? While most of the world is still experiencing some form of recession and cash flow can be staggered, there is always a way of enjoying finance options without the expense of turning to a bank or re-mortgaging your second home for the second time.
We offer finance so give us a call. With cost resolved partly, you might also consider a second hand shrink wrap machine, while not new, you'll still increase rate of products wrapped per minute over and above a manual shrink wrap machine. If cost of entry is one issue, the flip side has to be in decreasing the cost of labour.
If a semi automatic operation can increase the speed of a production line, enable you to increase demand and meet it, then cost should then be more than matched by income. Another tangent to consider when comparing automated vs manual shrink wrap machines is floor space. Units can be mobile but most production lines need to be in place full time. Do you need a bigger premises or perhaps with less man power, smaller premises?
If you want decisive feedback on whether you can afford automated shrink film machinery over and above your current manual shrink wrap machines, give us a call. We have all the tips and advice and offer assistance in making the choices that could lead to more efficiency in your production and or distribution end of line operations. Cost cutting, meeting demand, being eco friendly - that's right up our shrink tunnel.
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